Thursday, September 5, 2013


The beginning of every school year in my room is 
a time of hope, fear, frustration, joy, and triumph.

I am all over the place with emotions as I learn
 the ups and downs of a new group of kiddos.
Today I am on the hope, joy, and triumph side of the coin.

My class just took their first math test of the year 
and more than half of them totally rocked it!
My little one that couldn't write his name 
and only knew six letters of the alphabet
can now write his name and is up to 17 letters.
Small steps and huge leaps.
That is what I am seeing so far in this group.

This is why I push, demand excellence, 
and work hard everyday.
It works and these munchkins learn
that they can be successful.

This is why I keep at this job 
even though some days are far from ideal.
I know in my heart I am helping these kids 
get to where they need to be for the next year 
and in a small way for life. 

I'm a teacher...
what's your superpower?

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you have had a great start to your school year!

    I hope you have a beautiful weekend!

    I am stopping by from Casey Leigh's link up.




Thank you so much for stopping by, I appreciate your words!