Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Friday

Hello!  Happy Friday to you!

It's been another good week,
 minus the itchy red eyes...
ya, so the steroids did not knock out the problem.
Hoping a visit today will figure out 
a better solution to my wacky immune system!

I saw a mama with three stair step boys
while I was out the other day...
they were so little and she was so tired,
but it put a smile on my face as memories of my
 little boys rushed back to me.
I love who they are now, but I do miss the little guy years too!

My class was a little wacky this week.
Thank you three day weekend aftermath...
oh well, I buckled down and we all did better.

Not much sewing in the cards this week...
one taggie blankie done and one half way...
I really want to get a couple of hobo bags done this weekend.
We will see, not much on the agenda, so it should be doable!

How was your week...
everyone surviving their crazy weather too?
I hope you all have a great weekend!

Until next time,

Joining up with Miss Casey


  1. I'm with you, I'm enjoying my kids at the ages they are but I miss the old days so much. My oldest son is 21 so I suppose it won't be long till there are small feet around again.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Good to hear that your week was good. My was good but very busy (as usual). It was busy in a good way. This weekend it's violin recital for my 4 year old, pinewood derby for my 8 year old boy scout, and church.

    Maybe sleeping and eating will fit in, but sewing for sure!

    Have a great weekend!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I appreciate your words!